
This is an online collection of me.

My name is Jennie. I am a 24-year-old human in the process of figuring out my identity, my career, my purpose, and how to have so much freaking fun while doing it. I am deeply curious about the world and about learning about my place within it. I am currently in a transition between life phases as I move away from a reality built on the scaffolding of school, to one where I have the awareness that I am the author of my own life and consciously(as opposed to unconsciously) learning how to write the story of my life.

I am passionate about the collective liberation from racism, patriarchy, capitalism, ableism, classism, and all other forms of oppression. I am committed to the lifelong journey of deprogramming myself from these biases so that I can effectively contribute to the collective deprogramming of these systems. My vision is to create a reality based on the foundations of love, community, and collective care — that means care for the Earth too.

There’s a long way to go in seeing this vision come to reality. It has been easy for me to slip into feeling flattened by the weight of the world, and when the world is so heavy that it flattens you then you can’t do anything to help the state of it. That is why I am also deeply passionate about finding balance. This means having a deeply connecting relationship with nature, exploring creativity through art, learning about the possibilities of consciousness, and investing in myself and in my community.

I’m currently inspired by intuitive art, so we’ll see what unfolds here as we move along ; )