Turn Up the Volume
One of my favorite things to do is put on my headphones, smoke a lil weed, and dance in the mirror.
I love to dance with other people too, but one way that I show myself love is by indulging in this practice where I get to really let loose and be present with and for myself. I only recently came out of the closet to myself as a creative person, and as I’m learning more about what that looks like for me and how I get to express myself in different art forms, dance is one that encapsulates so much meaning and freedom all in one.
Eckart Tolle once said, “ life is the dancer and you are the dance”. Meaning that how we choose to approach, shift, and move with life is the dance. When I dance my dance lives only in the moment. Dance is an art form for the present, and within something that exists only from moment to moment, I find that there is freedom in its impermanence. I get to let sound and movement flow through me and give into the flow of what feels right for my body in that moment. There’s freedom in the solitude as well. I get to perform for myself, from myself. A gift to me from me.
I love to dance with others too, and this is where my love for dance really came to be. In college, I made friends who reintroduced me to weed, and I got Spotify Premium. My world was never the same. My favorite thing became getting high with my friends and dancing in our house. I get to be loud when I dance, am expressive, and am free, and I get to do that alone and share with others. Weed helped get me into my body again, it provided support it letting me soften the walls I had up about being free in my body.
As I’ve gotten older and more comfortable in my body I’ve learned to love dancing sober, I love to dance solo, and I love to dance with people.
If you can walk you can dance, and if you can talk you can sing. And I want to continue to learn how to express myself no matter the form, place, age, ability, or time.
dance on tiny dancer